The 2024 Corn Maze is...OPEN!
Each Year we re-plant our giant 10 acre maze and create a new design with new trivia challenges and things to do in our maze.
- Our 2024 Corn Maze has the tallest corn we've seen in 15 seasons.
- This year we created one of our best mazes ever! Lots of ways to test your directional and navigational skills.
How to enjoy the 2024 Corn Maze.
Corn Maze Rules:
Maze Facts:
Things to Remember:
- Always Dress for the weather: Boots, Bug Spray, etc
- There is a Start and FInish - see if you can find your way through.
- Split up and go in different directions - then try to find each other...always takes longer than you think.
Corn Maze Rules:
- Stay on the Paths at ALL TIMES
- No hiding 'off trail' in the corn or cutting through
- No throwing or picking corn – you are actually stealing food from people
- Do NOT damage or move signs
- No Smoking, Drugs or Alcohol permitted at any time
- Violators will be asked to leave immediately without refunds
Maze Facts:
- The 2024 Corn Mazes total about 10 acres in size.
- The 2024 Maze is our 15th season and our 19th corn maze!
- Our 2021 Every Child Matters corn maze was a tribute to Residential School survivors and brought us together with many First Nations groups and people for whom we are thankful to have met. We also raised/donated over $3000 for programs. We acknowledge we are on Treat #1 lands.
- The 2018 Winnipeg Whiteout Corn Maze went viral with over 300k views and 50k shares on FB is is Canada's most famous maze
- In 2018 our Corn Maze was featured in a Hallmark movie called "Love, Of Course"
- The 2017 Canada Corn Maze pics went viral with over 100k views of the CBC story.
- The 2017 & 2018 Maze crops were donated to the CDN Foodgrains bank with a value of approximately $7k.
- The 2017 & 2018 Mazes were harvested in the same year (Feb 2018 and Nov 2018)
Things to Remember:
- Bring your PHONE and BUG SPRAY if required.
- Wear BOOTS or old shoes if its muddy. Bring Garbage bags to carry muddy footwear. WE do sell plastic booties but they're not great.
- The Maze takes about 40 min during daylight and longer at night
- Supervision is required in the maze at all times from parents, youth leaders, etc.
- No picking corn, throwing corn, hiding in the corn or cutting through the corn
- No Smoking, Drugs or Alcohol permitted in the Corn Maze